Personal Card

Daniela Tomasino

Technical and administrative staff

- from May 2023: CNR IBF - technical collaborator - PNRR Project IR0000011– EBRAINS-Italy
- 2021-2023: CNR INM communication manager for SInERT - Des solutions innovantes pour l'intégration des énergies renouvelables distribuées sur le réseau électrique tunisien
- 2022- 2023: Coordinator of Protego - Center against discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity; financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - UNAR
- 2022: Communication manager – social media manager for “SAFER preventing GBV on LGBTIQ+”, in partnership with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
2018-2022: UNISOM University Consortium - teaching secretariat; co-teacher for: ISO 9001/2015 Quality management systems; ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems; ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems; ISO 45001:2018, Occupational health and safety management systems Anti-Bribery Compliance Function (ABF) Responsible for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (RPCT) UNI 11697:2017 Data Protection Officer (DPO) – Privacy Consultant Model 231 organization and management
- 2020-2021: “Pedro Arrupe” Institute – Center for Social Studies - head of organizational secretariat WP2 and territorial networks – FAMI PRISMA project
- 2019: CNR IBF Teacher expert in "Organization of promotional and territorial animation events - Communication and relations with the territory - Research communication"
- 2018: CNR IBF Social media manager - European project “HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT"
- 2015- 2016 CNR IBF dissemination of scientific results within the project “Controllo della qualità e della salubrità nella filiera del caffè con tecniche chimico-fisiche innovative tipiche della scienza dei materiali” del PO FESR 2007/2013;
- 2015- 2016 CNR IBF Support for the administrative management of the project "Rafforzare l'occupabilità nel sistema R&S e la nascita di Spin off”
- 2013-2015: Università degli Studi di Palermo – di Fisica e Chimica - Audit and budget monitoring for “CAFIS”, PO. FESR 2007-2013
- 2013-2017: communication, administration, organization forSpais - Permanent School for the Training of Experimental Science Teachers
-2002-2014: tutor and coordinator at professional training schools
-2010: Istituto Nazionale per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni Migranti e il contrasto delle malattie della Povertà- INMP - Rgional contact for “Studio socio-sanitario sperimentale per facilitare i percorsi di prevenzione, diagnosi e continuità terapeutica dell’infezione da HIV/AIDS e delle co-infezioni in gruppi socialmente ed economicamente svantaggiati”
- 2004-2005: Università di Palermo Operational coordinator of the post-graduate training project Marktur “Corso per Esperte di Marketing Turistico Territoriale”
- 1998-1999: Istituto Nazionale Fisica della Materia – administration


- Email
- Phone 0916809339
- Location Palermo